MTIBRS Repository Progress Updates
Thank you for continuing to submit your MTIBRS/NIBRS data during our move to the new MTIBRS repository. The information below shows notices that have been sent and our best estimates of what is to come. As always, please feel free to contact any of us.
SAC Contacts
- Janice Fries: 406-444-4298 -
- Jess Hard: 406-444-2084 -
- Sheila Erb: 406-444-9621 -
MTIBRS Online Reporting
- Production MTIBRS Online Reporting (for law enforcement)
- Test MTIBRS Online Reporting (for law enforcement and RMS vendors)
What's Coming Up
Throughout 2021
Move XML submissions for MTIBRS
NCHIP grant funds will be sent to law enforcement agencies to reimburse their vendors for successfully meeting the new MTIBRS XML standards. You can view the standards and email notification in the links below in the 12/9/2020 progress reported.
December 31, 2021
Final date for flat file submission
The last day flat file submission will be accepted.
Progress We've Made
December 9, 2020
NIEM/XML IEPD published
October 2020
If funded, notice of award amounts and process
If NCHIP funding is received, agencies will be notified of their award amounts. Agencies and their vendors can begin the transition to MTIBRS XML submissions.
LEAs move to XML
With or without NCHIP funding, agencies will be able to move to XML beginning in October.
September 15, 2020
Repository open for flat file submissions
Montana will test submissions to the FBI and open the new MTIBRS repository for flat file submissions. The link to the new system will appear here.
September 15, 2020
New MTIBRS Repository training and demonstration
Your agency will be able to submit your data through the New MTIBRS Repository beginning September 15th. We’ll have a kick off training September 15, 10 am – noon. This session will be recorded and available later that day if you are not able to attend.
September 15, 2020
MT portal open for manual online MTIBRS entry
The MTIBRS 2.0 repository online portal will be open to allow for manual entry of data meeting the newest NIBRS and Montana specific standards.
July 20-24, 2020
MTIBRS Training
Greg Swanson, the FBI NIBRS Trainer, will provide online MTIBRS Training in Montana due to social distancing. The training will include record management vendors as well. The trainings will focus on the Montana relevant MTIBRS issues and how each vendor will modify their records management systems to meet the new Montana standards when moving to XML. Each of the sessions will cover different topics and everyone is welcome to attend all four sessions.
- Training agenda
- 2020 MTIBRS Changes in a Nutshell
- Training Interviews with Criminal Justice Partners for the 2020 MTIBRS Updates (contact for a CD of the five training videos)
- Questions and Answers
June 8, 2020
NIBRS Training Save the Date Notice
June 8, 2020
NCHIP 2020 Grant Received
Montana received notice of partial funding of our 2020 NCHIP application to fund records management conversion from flat to XML file format. Funds will not be available until October, however vendors will be contacted in the next two weeks to discuss time frames.
April 14, 2020
Grant submitted
Montana National Criminal History Improvement Program Grant Submitted. The grant requested $1.4 million in funds to assist local agencies to convert from flat to XML and to include data improvements. Funding will be announced in September 2020.
March 11, 2020
LEA responsibility for vendor estimate
Clarification on the vendor estimates and local law enforcement agency responsibility.
March 4, 2020
MTIBRS XML Vendor Estimates
Request for estimates from records management vendors for the conversion from flat MTIBRS submissions to the new NIEM conformant XML file format.
March 4, 2020
Testing the new MTIBRS Optimum Repository for LEAs to submit flat files online
Testing the ability to import flat files into the new repository and verifying the new repository accurately identifies error based on NIBRS and Montana specific requirements. Previously submitted 2019 agency data files were used for testing.
January 30, 2020
New way to submit MTIBRS files temporarily
Monthly MTIBRS files can be submitted to until further notice.
January 8, 2020
Zuercher MTIBRS Repository Expires
The former Zuercher MTIBRS repository was taken down due to a Windows 8 server issue. Monthly MTIBRS file submissions on hold until further notice.