Montana Board of Crime Control

Victim Liaison Project

The Montana Board of Crime Control State and Tribal Victim Liaison Project is a three-year project that seeks to collaborate with Montana Board of Crime Control (MBCC) staff, subgrantees, victim service providers, victims, and the Board to identify and address gaps in victim services throughout Montana. One liaison will communicate and collaborate exclusively with tribal victim service providers, and the other will work with all other victim service providers in the state, especially the organizations and agencies that provide services to victims in rural areas and to older adult (ages 60+) victims of crime.

Montana Victim Services Needs Assessment

The project is collaborating with Montana Board of Crime Control (MBCC) staff, subgrantees, victim service providers, allied partners, and the Board to identify and address gaps and barriers in victim services throughout Montana. Using the data collected from victim service providers and the data captured from the Needs Assessment allows MBCC to distinguish gaps and barriers in victim services across Montana. MBCC will use this information to map services available across Montana and to show where resources are needed.

Please share this link with victim service providers and allied partners that encounter survivors and victims of crime. If you would like a hard copy or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Tawny Rogers.

Needs Assessment

Service Provider Questionnaire

Victim Service Providers, please take a moment to fill out our survey so we may accurately gather data related to the work your organization is doing. This information will assist us in the development of a Statewide Needs Assessment so we may best identify the gaps and barriers faced by both victim service providers and survivors as they traverse the criminal justice system.

Service Provider Questionnaire


  • Collaborate with MBCC subgrantees, project partners, and victim service providers throughout the state to create a statewide Needs Assessment.
  • Collect data for MBCC’s Statistical Analysis Center analysts to create an accurate, consistently updated map of victim services in Montana.
  • And form strong working relationships with and between victim service providers to implement a Montana Victim Services Network.

Upcoming Meetings

Currently planning Victim/Survivor Listening Sessions. If you are a survivor or crime victim and would like to share what obstacles you encountered or gaps you’ve seen when working with community and systems-based victim service providers, please reach out to Tawny to find out more information.

Community Listening Session
Tuesday, June 6, 2023 - Completed

Please reach out if you're interested in attending and we'll provide the details! 

Past Meetings

Data collected from roundtable discussions with victim service providers:

The following data was gathered through surveys completed by service providers in Missoula, Billings, and Helena. The data reflects the types of organizations that have participated in our currently completed roundtable discussions. As you can see, several types of organizations have participated; however, thus far a large portion of representation has been by private non-profits.

Victim Liaison Participation Chart

Photos below taken at Great Falls Victim Services Roundtable Feb 24, 2022:

Great Falls Meeting Great Falls Meeting Great Falls Meeting

Contact Us

Tawny Rogers
Victim Services Liaison